Monday, 26 September 2011

XCVB Autumn/Winter Collection

XCVB have announced their Autumn/Winter collection which we have to say is looking pretty good! Graphic Tee's are something that is hard to get right, they either work and look good or look plain terrible. In XCVB's case its worked out, their designs are fresh and pretty originial. They aren't following the trends like most other so called "apparel" companies and just ripping off big streetwear brands designs (you know who you are!) they choose to carefully design and select artwork that is new and refreshing. Looking through their latest collection there isn't a design we wouldn't happily wear. Also with their latest collection they have released a new crew neck jumper which is a welcome addition with the cold nights rapidly drawing in again.

For more info or to purchase some XCVB good head over to their website

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