Friday 1 October 2010

Typeface Memory Game

This typographic memory game includes 25 variations of the letter 'A' each in a different letter type.
Players attempt to find the matching A’s in the same letter type. The player who has the highest number of matching letters wins the game.
Typographic information about the letter is included on the card, and a separate folder provides a general history of the typography. This is an enjoyable and instructive game for graphic designers and anyone who is fascinated by letter types.
As you play, you increasingly recognize what are often very subtle differences between the letters and more about the details of the letter types. They become progressively easier to recognize and distinguish from one another (even Univers and Helvetica!) Among the letter types included in the game are Akzidenz Grotesk, Baskerville, Centaur, Garamond, Helvetica Rockwell, Times New Roman, Univers and many more.
For more information and pricing please go here.


Lottie Norton said...

Awesome...geeky to the next level, right in time for christmas! I want much? Where from XxX


They are around 19 euros.
There a link at the bottom of the post to where you can buy it :) x

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