Sunday, 11 September 2011

Lazy Oaf's New Collection

Lazy Oaf's new collection revisits the roots. Jerry (all things behind Lazy Oaf) was fabulous enough to put aside some time for a quick interview for us:

Whats different now from the SS11 collection?Its real black, white, and red pallets this season. Really cartoon based and going back to our original roots which were quite bright, bold, primary colors. There's loads of new shapes this season, so we've got a skater dress for girls, a long sleeve dress from last season which we've reworked, a long sleeved crop top, and many men's sweatshirts with colored panels and zips doing different things...We've got an anorak coming out later on, expanding to outerwear and lots of knitwear, bobble hats, scarves. So it's quite a big range.

Would you ever branch out into perhaps doing shoes? 
We've branched out to doing creepers, which have gone really well. We're in discussion of doing trainers with a Japanese branch, but I'm not sure what's going on with that. We'd love to do more with shoes, because we love them.

What are the reasons behind going back to your roots?
It's our tenth anniversary as a brand in October, so we were like we need a collection that really sums us up and shows how we've progressed expanding our garments and stuff, just something that really defines our brand personality.

Obviously LFW is coming up...who have you got your eye on and have you got anything planned for it?
We're not doing a huge amount for LFW because we're more a mid range brand so we don't really have any involvement in that. Jeremy Scott is amazing.

Anything else?
We've got our 10th anniversary on the 6th October. There's going to be a lot going on like launching new products, doing something with brand ambassadors like celebrities and stuff.

Exciting stuff! Check out photos from the event below and all the amazing new stuff you can buy online or in her store...

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