Okay. At the start of this article, may I point out that in no way, shape or form am I a racist. I would never look down on anyone else because of the colour of their skin, there are far better reasons to do that. But the decision to attend a party in the centre of Hackney dressed as minstrels was always going to turn a few heads. Myself and Max ordered a taxi to the party, where our taxi driver (a very large black guy) laughed with us, listening to Alborosie on the drive there and letting us have a discount because he couldn't break a tenner. Good start.

We looked pretty good.
The party in itself was great. Once ticked off the guest list, the bouncer handed us several tokens each which could be exchanged for bottles of Tiger (since they were sponsoring the event). I usually don't bat an eyelid at bouncers, for two reasons: either they aren't the most beautiful people in the world (more like skinhead neanderthals jacked up on protein shakes), or because any eye contact could lead to getting refused entry and a kick in the teeth with any attempt at answering back. But this guy had actually made an effort as well, with half his face painted in the style of Baron Samedi from Live and Let Die. Applause to him for effort.

good likeness! glad the bouncer was a little more cheerful...
People were generally very talkative and, for want of a phrased that doesn't imply 15-year old ravers on methodrone, hyped on life in general. People seemed to get the joke that we weren't really making a racist comment, and amidst over provocative outfits, it passed generally un-noticed. I had a good chat with a photographer for Tiger about 80s Ultra Burner bikes for a fair while; it wasn't hard to make general conversation with such an easy-going bunch. (Photo man from Tiger, if you are reading this, send over some of your pictures!)

Alexa Chung lookalike, get in me...
The night wound down, and we felt it best to wash our faces before walking back to Max's gaff in Whitechapel. Sneaking out two more free Tiger beers for the road from a pub has never felt better. Massive props to Tiger Beer for sponsoring such an awesome night with awesome amounts of beer, and to Mel from ViceUK for the guest list hook-up.
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